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Americorps is a network of local, state, and national service programs that engage more than 70,000 Americans each year in intesive service to meet critical needs in education, public safety, health, and the environiment.

California Family Resource Association: A voice for organizations and individuals that serve California's children, families, and communities.

Child Abuse Prevention Center: A home to numerous non-profit agencies working collaboratively to prevent child abuse . This includes AmeriCorps and California Family Resource Association.

Mission is that we live in a community where children are valued, nurtured, and protected and will reach their full potential; where high functioning families provide an environments that allow to thrive.

Colusa County Department of Health and Human Services: Information concerning many Colusa County Agencies and Services.

Colusa County Free Library: Literacy Services including Raising a Reader, catalogue searches, book renewal and more.

As an advocate for educated and socially responsible citizens; Colusa County Office of Education (CCOE) will communicate effectively, collaborate cooperatively, operate efficiently, and educate totally.

Colusa County One-Stop: A federally funded program that was designed from a business perspective, One Place, One Stop, to assist you with all your business needs. From placing job orders, recruiting applicants and gathering labor market information, to sustaining a productive workforce.

Colusa County Public Health's mission is to protect and promote the health of all Colusa County residents. They can help with many of your health needs and questions.

The Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc (CAABCI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of self-sufficiency and alleviation of poverty.

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Community Action Partnership of Colusa, Glenn, and Trinity Counties: Job training, income tax assistance, HEAP energy assistance, victim witness, and more.

Centers for Healthy Communities (formerly Center for Nutrition and Activity Promotion): values and helps create healthy and livable communities while providing numerous services.

People Services and Community Resources. Arbuckle, Colusa, Grimes, Maxwell, Princeton, Stonyford & Williams. (English/Spanish)

First 5 Colusa is committed to enhancing the lives of all children, prenatal through age 5, through education, outreach, and systems change.

Pierce Joint Unified School District

Williams Unified School District

Yuba College Foster Kinship Care Education: Foster Care Education, Support, and More.

Yolo Food Bank Yolo Food Bank distribuye casi 4 millones de libras en alimentos y artículos de abarrotes anualmente a niños, personas mayores, familias y personas necesitadas de ayuda alimentaria. Yolo Food Bank distribuye comida directamente a través de programas y a través de una red de 60 agencias de pareja sin fines de lucro.

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We are a proud member of the AmeriCorps National Service Network

Somos un miembro orgulloso de la red de Servicio Nacional de AmeriCorps

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